Monday, February 13, 2017

my personality type

my type 

I am a ENTJ using the myers-briggs personality type I found that i am a ENTJ. so according to the test i am 12% extravert, 22% intuitive,  38% thinking, and 12% judging witch makes me a ENTJ. in my own words a ENTJ will analyze somethings and will use their knowledge of that object. for a example today in class we saw a picture of a apple and listed things about it, the ENTJ's said thinks like tasty, seeds, fruity, and healthy. all of these things are what the picture do not tell  the viewer.

how well does this describe me 

i think that a ENTJ on describes 1/2 of me. some things that are correct about me are see logical policies, usually well informed, and enjoy long term planing. all of these things are spot on for me. the other stuff that does not describe me is assume leadership quickly,well read,force full in presenting ideas. this short list does not describe me. i am usually the last to take action and leadership. this actually does help to figure out who i am because sometimes kids in my second hour class will come up with way different ideas and problems that i never would have thought.

 the role of an ENTJ

so a role of a ENTJ would be like to sell to a audience and to clarify ideas. a example would be during  the  apple lab the ENTJ would say something like a good type of candle would smell good in your home. So a ENTJ would be a good helper to sell things.people could have misunderstood me because i do not really like to talk I like to be more to myself witch explains a ENTJ so people might not understand or think like me.

what i have learned 

i have learned on what type of person that i am like the ENTJ and how these people operate. i did not en know what this type of test is to find out what type of personality i have so I thought that it was cool that  a ENTJ explains who i am. some other things that i have learned is there are famous people that have the same personality like me for example adel, woodrow wilson, and bill gates and others have the same personality like me.

personality activity 

in our class we did a personality activity that would pair us with 4 different animals that have the same personality as me. the 4 different animals are a lion, otter, golden retriever, and a beaver. the lion is someone who would take leadership in a project, the otter is someone that is very social, the golden retriever is good at making friends, and the beaver is organized. i cdid the test and was most like the lion and the otter witch is some what correct about me. like taking charge and making decisions. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

10 words animation

10 words animation

what was the processes 

we made a animation of 10 words that would best describe me. so some examples of words would be like hard worker, outgoing, and social. so after I found 10 words that would describe me we had to find a background image that would be related to you. as you can see i chose the moon because i like outer space and mysterious things like the moon. after the steps listed we had to color the words we chose using colors from the background. then came the animation part we animated the words to do special things like flips and fading in and out. 

what did i learn 

I learned how to select a color from the background, this was cool because now the words look like they could blend in from the background. I also learned how to use the video editor, to make video animations. i also learned that it is allot harder to make animated movies than it looks because i had troubles animating 10 words moving across a screen, I also learned that animation is really hard sometimes, like the bouncing ball was more easy for me than this animation.

takeaways for next time 

the first two or three days of this animation project i was sick, so next time i should learn not to get sick. so because i was out two to three days next time we do this type of animation i will make the it go allot slower, this animation goes by really fast and i realized this when i put the animation on youtube. I did not know that we had to make the animation longer than the given area in photoshop. I also will maybe look longer for a better background wth maybe a little more color, I felt like this image of moon only had like three really different colors.