Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Exploring Video Final

Exploring Video Final 

feature story 

ONW 1 in 2000 project goal was to interview someone that our group decides that had the most interesting Summer. This happened to be me because I went to china for a Summer vacation with my family. this projects took around a week to film and edit, and then re-edit, but our group had a difficult time with the audio not recording on the first take, witch costed us one day of editing. challenges that we faced was the audio not recording, that was the major problem. but then there was one problem that I had with the film because it became corrupted and I had to restart the intro witch was a difficult challenge. Feed back that I was given, was whenever their is a transition the lighting effects did not look as smooth as they could've. whenever it was re edit day I applied the same effects to all of the video and added some B roll to scenes where there is a transition. My opinion of this project, I loved this project mostly because I got to be interviewed and I liked the effects I put on the intro. 

feature story #2 

This project was the future story #2, its the same concept as #1 but over a different topic, in this case the topic is about the 2017 marching band. I cannot remember how long this video took but my best guess is that it took a week to film and edit like all the other projects. challenges that my group faced was that miles and I both where in the marching band for early morning rehearsals so we could not get any B roll that we filmed, so we took some from the servers. something that ai learned is how to use key framing better than I have been, because the thought the video their are allot of key framed effects. Feedback that I can remember is to film in a location where their is no noms coming from other class rooms. In the re-eddit I changed the sounds so that their was less background noise and more vocals coming from the people being interviewed. My opinion over this video is that this project was ok, I didn't like this vide as much as the first feature story. 

Nathan contreras OP-ED

This projects is called an OP-ED witch is used in journalism and interviewing people. The best way to describe an OP-ED is, OP-EDs are the persons opinions about a subject. This assignment was to creation OP-ED about your personal opinion about raven 50 and provide pros and cons. this project only took two days because OP-EDs anent supposed to take a bunch of time they are really short and to the point. their where not that many challenges that I faced but one of them was when recording I did not really know what to say. I learned how to make a journalism story using OP-EDs to share an opinion over a subject witch was really neat because I notice them whenever I read a news article. Feed back that I was given is to look at the center of the camera instead of looking away from time to time and try to stay as perfectly still as possible. I tried to change these thing but I couldn't really because OP-EDs aren't supposed to have any B roll. My opinion over OP-EDs are that they seem pointless but they are important to sway opinions in news articles. 

How did I spend my time in class 

I would say that I spend my time in class to the most of the ability, because their are some students that sit in class and talk the entire hour waiting to las Minuit to do the the project. but I spin the entire hour working on the given projects. Sometimes that I would finish early I would get on my phone but thats only after the blogger and the videos are turned in. And I will also go over the edited video if I have allot of time left. To better a project it would be a benefit if you revise the blogger article or even re-edit some of the videos in class instead of doing nothing. My parents pay for the adobe software because they think e-comm is awesome. and because I have this they crate projects for me for example my dad recorded his golf outing so he wants me to edit the videos he took and he's going to show it at his next meeting. 

Areas of strength 

My strengths being a e-comm student is planning and producing because I can see in my head how I want a scene to look then I can make that scene using some editing on the computer. to maximize my strength I practice it at home like I said in the paragraph above. areas that need improvement are all of the simple things that add up towards the end and can end up making the video look bad, like transitions and coloring effects. 

ONW sophomore addition 

This project was a little confusing for me because I missed school for the first 3 days that we started to film the segments of the ONW now, my group even though I was not their said I was apart of that group. even though I didn't help my group film their was another group that needed to interview a band student so I volunteered to be interviewed. so at least I was able to be in the ONW now with was really cool. I learned through this that being apart of journalism type films is really complicated and their is allot more to it than it looks. 


I loved most about this semester is using adobe premire pro to make edits to. video that I recorded witch was a really fin experience to do with my groups that Ive had all semester, looking forward tonic semester. something that I would change or do differently is make sure that the camera is taking in the sound because that is the 1 thing that I have had the most trouble with all year. Things that I learned was a little bit of everything. because their where effects that I did not know where possible in E9 but I learned the effects panel and the colors mostly. One goal That I would like to set for next semester is have less things that need to be edited on re-eddit day. Final thoughts that I have is that, on the first day of school we where told what this semester would be about and I thought that it sounded really lame and not interesting witch at the end I found that it was really fun and next semester might be even better. 

Friday, December 15, 2017

Animation Final

Animation Final 

This is an animation that I created using adobe after effects. To create the robot we had to draw out our characters on a pice of paper. Then we had to outline the drawing with something black and noticeable on a piece of paper like a Sharpe. then once we where satisfied with the drawing we took a picture of the robot and airdrop it to the computer, once I got the photo I had to move it into adobe photoshop and create a different layer for the head, both arms, both legs, and body. Then took the new composition into adobe after effect to animate the all of the new body parts to make it look like it's all one body witch took a lot of time and effort. I learned allot from this animation for example movements that the body parts make while walking, the usage of keyframes, dodge and burn, and the puppet pin tool are all very new tools and skills that I learned. I picked this project because I like the backgrounds and the scene that the robot is in, also in the animation the key framing makes the different compositions look like one body was really fun to do. my greatest strength during this animation are the key-framing skills because I could visualize how I wanted the robot to move. I have improved vastly on the animation skills that I have got from the first ball animation. I really lied working on this animation because it was very fun and interesting to see how to create a 2d animation that came from a piece of paper.

This is the inchworm animation witch was the second animation that we created. I learned allot from this animation an example would be the puppet pin tool at this time was very complicated and I couldn't really understand how to use it, but then after this animation I understood how to use the puppet pin tool and the puppet starch tool to animate parts of the worm. another thing that I learned was how to crate a good looking shadow effect coming off of the worm witch makes the worm look really good while moving cross the grass. I learned these two skills by trial and error mostly, like I would just play with the effects that I am applying and try to get the best look. some of my strength in this animation are the shading and the dodge and burn tool because there are really good shading and blur effects on the shadows witch I really like. I had used what I learned from thin animation on the robot one above because I added the dodge and burn to the body parts to make it pop and then I also aded the puppet pin tool to the laser effect at the end. something that I would change now is the puppet pin effects because in this animation you can tell where the pin tools where not used correctly.
I think that this animation was not a fun animation like the robot but this animation was critical to understanding how adobe after effects works.

This is  our first Maya project to build a castle using skills that we have learned from just the other day. almost everything visible is what I learned. I learned the extrude, shape, rotate, and lighting tools all in this one day. But the most important thing that I learned was how to move the shapes faces to create the look that I wanted witch was really something different from adobe after effects, to the way that I learned how to shape things was through trial and error to get a good looking cylinder/ tower. I piked this project because I love using Maya, I loved the way that the image I had in my head turned into a 3 dimensional space. strengths that I had during this animation was visualizing how I wanted to see the different parts come together in the end. I will later use what I learned to crate the poly thing witch really helped me because I had a greater understanding how Maya works. I personally think that Maya was a really fun thing to create and look towards it again.

This is the Poly thing that I mentioned above. I learned all about lighting in this project witch is very helpful for any animation to come in the future. besides the three point lighting I just got a greater understanding on how the mMaya software works I learned this through peers and the google docs slide that was given to the class. I picked this project because it looks amazing I love the way that the shadows look real and the lighting effects make the colors pop out and look real. I am going to use what I learned in other Maya projects to make the colors and the animation skills pop out and look really cool. this is probably the first project that I don't think that anything needs to change because I love the way it turned out. to conclude this animation final I would say that Maya is really fun and I want to do it some more in the future.