Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Exploring Video Final

Exploring Video Final 

feature story 

ONW 1 in 2000 project goal was to interview someone that our group decides that had the most interesting Summer. This happened to be me because I went to china for a Summer vacation with my family. this projects took around a week to film and edit, and then re-edit, but our group had a difficult time with the audio not recording on the first take, witch costed us one day of editing. challenges that we faced was the audio not recording, that was the major problem. but then there was one problem that I had with the film because it became corrupted and I had to restart the intro witch was a difficult challenge. Feed back that I was given, was whenever their is a transition the lighting effects did not look as smooth as they could've. whenever it was re edit day I applied the same effects to all of the video and added some B roll to scenes where there is a transition. My opinion of this project, I loved this project mostly because I got to be interviewed and I liked the effects I put on the intro. 

feature story #2 

This project was the future story #2, its the same concept as #1 but over a different topic, in this case the topic is about the 2017 marching band. I cannot remember how long this video took but my best guess is that it took a week to film and edit like all the other projects. challenges that my group faced was that miles and I both where in the marching band for early morning rehearsals so we could not get any B roll that we filmed, so we took some from the servers. something that ai learned is how to use key framing better than I have been, because the thought the video their are allot of key framed effects. Feedback that I can remember is to film in a location where their is no noms coming from other class rooms. In the re-eddit I changed the sounds so that their was less background noise and more vocals coming from the people being interviewed. My opinion over this video is that this project was ok, I didn't like this vide as much as the first feature story. 

Nathan contreras OP-ED

This projects is called an OP-ED witch is used in journalism and interviewing people. The best way to describe an OP-ED is, OP-EDs are the persons opinions about a subject. This assignment was to creation OP-ED about your personal opinion about raven 50 and provide pros and cons. this project only took two days because OP-EDs anent supposed to take a bunch of time they are really short and to the point. their where not that many challenges that I faced but one of them was when recording I did not really know what to say. I learned how to make a journalism story using OP-EDs to share an opinion over a subject witch was really neat because I notice them whenever I read a news article. Feed back that I was given is to look at the center of the camera instead of looking away from time to time and try to stay as perfectly still as possible. I tried to change these thing but I couldn't really because OP-EDs aren't supposed to have any B roll. My opinion over OP-EDs are that they seem pointless but they are important to sway opinions in news articles. 

How did I spend my time in class 

I would say that I spend my time in class to the most of the ability, because their are some students that sit in class and talk the entire hour waiting to las Minuit to do the the project. but I spin the entire hour working on the given projects. Sometimes that I would finish early I would get on my phone but thats only after the blogger and the videos are turned in. And I will also go over the edited video if I have allot of time left. To better a project it would be a benefit if you revise the blogger article or even re-edit some of the videos in class instead of doing nothing. My parents pay for the adobe software because they think e-comm is awesome. and because I have this they crate projects for me for example my dad recorded his golf outing so he wants me to edit the videos he took and he's going to show it at his next meeting. 

Areas of strength 

My strengths being a e-comm student is planning and producing because I can see in my head how I want a scene to look then I can make that scene using some editing on the computer. to maximize my strength I practice it at home like I said in the paragraph above. areas that need improvement are all of the simple things that add up towards the end and can end up making the video look bad, like transitions and coloring effects. 

ONW sophomore addition 

This project was a little confusing for me because I missed school for the first 3 days that we started to film the segments of the ONW now, my group even though I was not their said I was apart of that group. even though I didn't help my group film their was another group that needed to interview a band student so I volunteered to be interviewed. so at least I was able to be in the ONW now with was really cool. I learned through this that being apart of journalism type films is really complicated and their is allot more to it than it looks. 


I loved most about this semester is using adobe premire pro to make edits to. video that I recorded witch was a really fin experience to do with my groups that Ive had all semester, looking forward tonic semester. something that I would change or do differently is make sure that the camera is taking in the sound because that is the 1 thing that I have had the most trouble with all year. Things that I learned was a little bit of everything. because their where effects that I did not know where possible in E9 but I learned the effects panel and the colors mostly. One goal That I would like to set for next semester is have less things that need to be edited on re-eddit day. Final thoughts that I have is that, on the first day of school we where told what this semester would be about and I thought that it sounded really lame and not interesting witch at the end I found that it was really fun and next semester might be even better. 

Friday, December 15, 2017

Animation Final

Animation Final 

This is an animation that I created using adobe after effects. To create the robot we had to draw out our characters on a pice of paper. Then we had to outline the drawing with something black and noticeable on a piece of paper like a Sharpe. then once we where satisfied with the drawing we took a picture of the robot and airdrop it to the computer, once I got the photo I had to move it into adobe photoshop and create a different layer for the head, both arms, both legs, and body. Then took the new composition into adobe after effect to animate the all of the new body parts to make it look like it's all one body witch took a lot of time and effort. I learned allot from this animation for example movements that the body parts make while walking, the usage of keyframes, dodge and burn, and the puppet pin tool are all very new tools and skills that I learned. I picked this project because I like the backgrounds and the scene that the robot is in, also in the animation the key framing makes the different compositions look like one body was really fun to do. my greatest strength during this animation are the key-framing skills because I could visualize how I wanted the robot to move. I have improved vastly on the animation skills that I have got from the first ball animation. I really lied working on this animation because it was very fun and interesting to see how to create a 2d animation that came from a piece of paper.

This is the inchworm animation witch was the second animation that we created. I learned allot from this animation an example would be the puppet pin tool at this time was very complicated and I couldn't really understand how to use it, but then after this animation I understood how to use the puppet pin tool and the puppet starch tool to animate parts of the worm. another thing that I learned was how to crate a good looking shadow effect coming off of the worm witch makes the worm look really good while moving cross the grass. I learned these two skills by trial and error mostly, like I would just play with the effects that I am applying and try to get the best look. some of my strength in this animation are the shading and the dodge and burn tool because there are really good shading and blur effects on the shadows witch I really like. I had used what I learned from thin animation on the robot one above because I added the dodge and burn to the body parts to make it pop and then I also aded the puppet pin tool to the laser effect at the end. something that I would change now is the puppet pin effects because in this animation you can tell where the pin tools where not used correctly.
I think that this animation was not a fun animation like the robot but this animation was critical to understanding how adobe after effects works.

This is  our first Maya project to build a castle using skills that we have learned from just the other day. almost everything visible is what I learned. I learned the extrude, shape, rotate, and lighting tools all in this one day. But the most important thing that I learned was how to move the shapes faces to create the look that I wanted witch was really something different from adobe after effects, to the way that I learned how to shape things was through trial and error to get a good looking cylinder/ tower. I piked this project because I love using Maya, I loved the way that the image I had in my head turned into a 3 dimensional space. strengths that I had during this animation was visualizing how I wanted to see the different parts come together in the end. I will later use what I learned to crate the poly thing witch really helped me because I had a greater understanding how Maya works. I personally think that Maya was a really fun thing to create and look towards it again.

This is the Poly thing that I mentioned above. I learned all about lighting in this project witch is very helpful for any animation to come in the future. besides the three point lighting I just got a greater understanding on how the mMaya software works I learned this through peers and the google docs slide that was given to the class. I picked this project because it looks amazing I love the way that the shadows look real and the lighting effects make the colors pop out and look real. I am going to use what I learned in other Maya projects to make the colors and the animation skills pop out and look really cool. this is probably the first project that I don't think that anything needs to change because I love the way it turned out. to conclude this animation final I would say that Maya is really fun and I want to do it some more in the future. 

Monday, November 27, 2017

Story Animation


tell the story?

this is an animation about a bank robber that pulls off a bank heist and runs from the police using his really fast car, and great driving skills. this animation first starts off as the robber pull up to the bank in his car then it go to a shot from inside of the bank to show that there is nothing wrong (no money on the floor). Then a little suspense is added ass the screen shows onomatopieas like boom, crack, crash sounds. Then as the red lights flash the police officers chase the robbers in a really long car speed chase. The robber eventually outruns the police officers and brings the money back to his secret lair with money spread out everywhere.

how it went? what did you learn? and what obstacles did you overcome?

 This was a really easy going animation because for me there was no problems with specific clips disappearing or becoming corrupted witch was a really good thing because this animation took up allot of time. There where only two problems that I had with the animation but it was becauseI could not get the keyframes correctly so the opacity was messed up in a couple shots. Things that I learned where better usage of the keyframes because learned how to use keyframes correctly ad make the animation look good. I also learned how to used the puppet pin tool because theist time that I used the puppet pin tool I really didn't really know what I was ding with the pin and starch tool. obstacles that I overcame where the puppet pin tool and storyboarding because it was a little difficult for me and the animation turned out better than my original thought. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Feature story #2

Feature story #2

What was the concept 

Concepts that our group came up with was the 2017 ONW marching band. First off this was the decision because Miles and I where both in the band so this made it a little easy for us to find the people to interview and questions to ask them. Brady Stanfield is in our 3 hour and it just so happened to be that Brady is one of the drum majors, the other person that we decided to interview was Nabinder Dhillon because he is a fiend to everyone in the group. our that was that Nabinder actually being on the field could give a different view about being in the band. 

What was the process 

processes for making a feature story is, first we have to come up with our group and see if they know anything that would be interesting to film and talk about in this case our groups decision was the band. You also have to come up with 21 questions to ask the person that is being interviewed this way you have the interview planned out a little bit more. Story boards are used to see what the film will look like without recording, this way you actually save time because you know whats next. Roles are important to assign to the group members so that there are not 4 people all working on story boards. 

My role 

My main role was to be the story border and pre production person. something that I learned along the way was to remove the background sound because with Brady we recorded in the band hall, this seemed like it would be a really good place but people from debate where messing around and being really loud. during the second interview you could her band students practicing on the background witch was a little disruptive in the video. 


Technical skills during this project where ok for everybody but me apparently because Adobe Premier Pro decided that it did not want to save and wanted to close down on me. plus whenever I was at home I was trying to make my voiceover but my mic cold not export things correctly and I had to use my phone before school started in the commons. I think that I was able to manage all of these disruptions in the final video tho. 


The group that I was in this time was really good at getting things done and communicating so that we could get done on time. project management for me was very important because on the first export my video did to save the voiceovers and then on the next day back to school I couldn't be in class because of the assembly, so I got put really far behind and have no idea on how I got caught up. 


something that I would do Different is make sure that Adobe Premier Pro saves before the computer logs off because that was a really big issue for me. another thing that I would do Different is magybenot wait tell last unit in the commons to record my voiceovers. 

What I would do the same 

I would like to keep the video locations and people interviewed the same because they both Nabinder and Brady gave really good explanations on why during the interviews. I also liked how this time my group was able to record and get all of the requirements done on time again. I also like how this group decided that we would all edit a different video because I like to be me and have my own vision in a video. 

experiences that are learned 

Some experiences learned from this project and I will defiantly keep it going onto the next project was the audio because this was a really big problem this time the other ting would be the time management and get things done on time. 

Experiences drawn from this 

I liked the time that I had to just start to type and let my thoughts out andante a news article. another experience that I got from this is that when typing you really have to focus on the words like grammar, spelling, and how it would sound if someone else was the reader. 

General thoughts 

I think that I would like to do this again but I would need people that would check ore edit it so that I can get a react good sounding news article that came from a video like this. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

multiplane animation

multiplane animation 


This video above is an animation of trees and a ballon using adobe photoshop and adobe aftereffects. this form of animation is called multilane because it uses multiple planed to create a 3D effect on the images. we first had to create our scene in adobe photoshop then move it into adobe aftereffect and began our animation. the multilane animation is used to crate a 3D effect with background layers. an example that Walt Disney created is when bambe is walking through the forest the background layers move at different speeds because things closer to you move faster than things farther away.

how did we make ours 

Fist off we had to come up with an idea mine happens to be a forest just like Disney's movie. we had to take the normal screen size 1920 X 1080 and boosted it to 10000 X 1080, so that we could animate the trees moving at different speeds and with the boosted the screen length we where able to add more off screen so that I looks like the animation is moving. then we drew out the layers and added things like shading, burn, light, gradients, and details so that the animation would look more realistic and add more of a 3D effect to the animation. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

ONW 1 in 2000

ONW 1 IN 2000


Our  group me, Mason, Miles, and Emma decided that even though they had an interesting summer I had a summer that would get the viewer viewers attention and that I had the most B role. This project ONW 1 in 2000 was a converse journalism about s group members summer.

Some things that our group had to prepare for before we even touched the camera for example, we first had to find who had the most interesting summer vacation, after this we create 21 questions that the interviewer would ask the interviewee, then we created roles for each person in the group, mason was the interviewer, I was the  interviewee, miles was the camera man, and Emma was dealt cinematographer.

I had the most interesting summer I was being interviewed. I learned allot from this role, for example I learned that moving around too much can have a really bad effect on screen after editing. I also earned that we need to check if the camera is picking up sound  before we start filming, we did not.

Things that I learned was that the camera needs to be white balanced and checked for sound before you start recording. also on adobe premier pro don't cut out that much because otherwise you will have a bunch of cuts and it looks really bad.

I could tell that our group had some trouble with the five guaranties because I noticed on the first day that miles likes to be the group leader and plan out everything, mason doesn't care that much, and Emma does not like to help as a team member. I asked Emma, and mason multiple times if they had any good ideas for location, questions, and better ideas. so this kinda pulled us together at moments when needed.

I liked how my video ended up at the end, but I would change my group members for some of the reasons listed above. something that I will make sure to do next time is check the white balance and make sure the audio is being recorded. this put our group 2 day behind on editing.

 Something that I would keep the same is our groups work ethic because I would say that we were always trying to be on task and on time. we also worked together really well once we started to film and we where all on the same page, thats when we started to use the five guarantees.

This sounds really repetitive but things I defiantly would remember is white balance and audio. but then I know that it is important to remember the reflexion sheet so that can improve on the things I messed up on this time. for example one of the things that made my video look really bad the first time is all of the jump cuts and that I could've covered them up with b roll or graphics.

I liked how my re edit came out and I wish that I would have done it in the first place. or if we weren't missing audio I could've had more time to make the first video look really professional. I think that this was a fun project that really opend up my eyes on things that Ecomm students can create.

Friday, October 6, 2017


robot animation 


our class project was to draw a "character" that has at least two legs and arms on a pice of paper. then after I created my robot we went over the edge of it with sharpie or something noticablel in adobe photoshop. then in adobe photoshop we cleaned up and added some details like dodge, burn, color, and folds to make the robot look 3d. then our final steps was to import the .psd file into adobe after effects and began to animate like the inch worm.

what I learned 

I learned allot of new things with the this animation for example, most of my other animations do not have the. dodge and burn. I liked this two tools because they helped everything 3D, really cleaned up the animation.

what went we'll 

 things that went well where animation like on the final steps. I guess just because I have had allot of practice using adobe after effects. something that did not go well was adobe photoshop and designing the character mainly because I could not think of something to draw. then using adobe photoshop I had hard time cleaning up some of the black lines. 


Monday, September 18, 2017

inch worm animation


over view of the project 

our in class projects was to animate a inch worm move across the screen just like a normal worm. what we first had to do was crate the sky, ground, and worm using adobe premier pro. then once we crated where down with things like shadows, gradients, and touchup spots we moved the premier pro files of the worm into adobe photoshop so that it can be animated. we learned how to use new tools like the puppet pin tool, keyframes, and the burn tool so that we could animate the worm. 

what I learned 

I kinda mentioned new things that I learned above like getting a better understanding of the keyframes, puppet tool, and burn tool sir that we could touchup spots on the worm and make it look more of a 3d shape than circles moving across a flat plane. I would say that the newest thing that I learned would be the puppet pin tool and I also think that it was the mot important tool during this entire animation.

                                             how it went 

I don't really know why but I had some trouble with this animation and I could not figure out why because I had to end up restarting the entire animation three times because adobe photoshop keeps on crashing. and the only other problem I ran into was the puppet pin tool was difficult and I did not like how to log during the animation but looks good at the end I guess. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Bouncing ball

what was the project 

our class was to create a bouncing ball animation a using adobe after effects. what we first had to do was create the background, sky, grass, and a bouncing ball. we also made a project like this in e9 but this bonging ball was created in another adobe software and then moved int adobe after effects to be animated witch was very different and we had to learn allot of new things to help animate the ball look more realistic and bounce better.

things I learned 

some things that I learned while using adobe after effects where almost the entire animation because its a kinda new platform for me because I have never animated using adobe aftereffects. the biggest thing that I learned how to do was using the keyframes for rotation, shape, and time. these where important to learn because in the animation there are things like when the ball is going down and it has to rotate and move at the same time, so key frames are very important to learn in after effects.

how'd it go for me 

I think that my bouncing ball was really good because on day one we put together the ball on aftereffects and I thought that this was going to be a really weird looking animation and that mine was going to be bad compered to the other students but in the end mine was really good and I am happy with it. 

Friday, September 8, 2017

ONW procedures


ONW procedures 

Our group decided that we would make a procedures video that showed students that they should not line up at the door before the bell rings. we decided that we would make this procedures video to show other student that lining up at the door only saved 2 seconds at most. as a group we all gathered around each other and crated the story board, it was weird because all of us had the same idea planed out in our head to make a good video. 

crating the cast list was really easy because miles and I did not care what parts we got but mason wanted to be the camera man, that how we gout our cast. my role was an actor I guess because miles had the story board and I just did what he told me to. tenically I was kinda like the secondary camera man that would check to see if the camera was positioned for things like rule of thirds, six shot system, and not to cross the axis. I would say that I was very professional during this experience because whenever the group went to a moment of silence I would get the group talking again so that we could communicate better. I made sure to collaborate with my team members when we where making the story bored and casting a group. and also this was not a problem with the group because we all had food time management. 

I don't think that I would change anything because our group was really good at getting a good video on time and together. 

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

quarter 4 final

1. write about group product and presentation, website, graphic design, video and animation that you made.
                     our project was a teleporting backpack that would teleport the user to wherever they wanted, called the tele-pack. our project took us all of the 4th quarter to make with all of the animations, graphics, and commercial. all of these things together used up all of the quarter to make the tele-pack. some challenges that we faced where things like the animations not being long enough or did not look as we oped in the end. for example in the animation their is a big black scene that takes up the entire screen and we could not remove this from the final product, so that was a disappointment. I personally learned that it is harder to work as a group than on your own and this is how life is in the workforce. because sometimes my group did not want to do things my way or fix things that did not-

look good n the final product. some feed back that we where given during the final presentation is that you should not be nervous when presenting your product and that we should have removed the black scene in the presentation. some things that we changes when we got our feed back is we all practiced our parts over night and this relived some of the stress that the group was having. my opinion about quarter 4 is that i would have much rather done this on my own because I do not like having to work with other people and do things that they want done.

2. how did you use your time in class this quarter?
                            I used my class time very well, i got my part of the project finished on time. I never was sitting down and day reaming I was always wondering on how I could make things either look, sound, or run smoother (example is the flylo logo I added onto the original to make it look better)  I think that I used my time in class very productively. when I would finish my parts early I would go over and look at other peoples work to see how far we are and then i would sit and think about how we could make my parts of the product batter so I never really finished early I got things done on time and on schedule. what do i do outside of class to help my productivity in class? for some time I had scketchup at my house, and I would go home and mess around on it trying to see what type of stuff that I could make and how could I make this at school.

3. what are my strengths and an employee or e-comunications student after one year ?
                          like I said in number 2 I would go home after school and used what I learned in class to see if i could make something better and then go to school and add on to the original. my best strength during this project and e-com was the animations. I don't know why I find this so much fun but I liked using scketchup and making the house animation.

4. what are the areas in need of improvement?

                       something that I need improvement is on the web design because I had no idea how to even start the website. but luckily noell knew how to do that stuff. so I really need get better at making the websites for a latter class in the future. on the right is a screen shot from the website that noell designed.

5. summary

                  I loved most about this semester was creating a product and doing a shark tank presentation. I just thought that this was really cool and fun to do as a group and would not mind doing this again. something that I would change or do different was the animation and the commercial because during the animation there is a black scene and I hatted that and still do and in the commercial I had it that mason would fade out of the scene and I thought it looked cool but Kevin would not allow us to have this in a commercial and this has made me mad. overall learning experience is that this is how it will be in real life when I get a job there will be people that i have to work around or even meet their needs to ensure a good work life for everyone. final thoughts is that I liked this final and I don't want to sound like I am nagging on them but I did not like how mason and Kevin where not helping the team (more mason than Kevin) because that left me and noell having to do a little more than the others. I still liked this project even with all the setbacks and mistakes that we have had.

Friday, April 21, 2017

team projects aniation

animation 4th quarter 

stuff that i did for the group.

for an example i made the backpack for the product, this backpack that you see did not have any coloring or like 3d effects but you kinda see like what time of stuff that i personally made. in the other picture is of the classroom that i made with the back pack on. I also made some other stuff but don't have the picture of them so I think that I did allot of work even though I missed a couple of days.

stuff that needs work or that is done 

in our group we made the backpack, a background, animations, and the logo animation. this was our plan so we got all of this done. their was one thing that i saw that we could have had more work on and that is in the animation of the backpack teleporting from home to school is the big black screen that is supposed to look like you are teleporting through time and space but that not really what it looks like. so if we had more time it would be good to work on that part of the animation.

our team working together 

i think that everyone in our group is working well together and n their work except for mason because noell and mason where assigned by the group to work on the fly animation and noell did most of the work while mason played on his phone. i think that the other people in the group are concerned about how mason is no doing anything to help the team make some better work. but me and Kevin where assigned by the group to do the sketch animation and me and him did a great job working together and our work came out looking good. I did miss like 2 days because I had a complete dislocation of my pettela in my knee but i still finished all the stuff that was assigned to me so i don't know why mason is not helping the rest of us. 

Friday, April 7, 2017

graphic design rotation blog

graphic design group rotation 

our works so far has came out looking really good because all four of us know what it means to be part of graphic design and I also think that it has been really fun collaborating with my group because we all think differently and can all have some of the other peoples opinions, this makes our group function really well.  
as a team we got all of the 7 projects done that includes the product logo, company logo, coupon, web banner and ad. this was also a really good thing about my group is the we got all of the things done on time and did not struggle to get them turned in. some four work is at the bottom.
 what is our work? our work could be described as futuristic because it is a teleporting backpack and because of the web banner and the company name, they just sound like they could be from the fuerture and ir looks cool because their is allot of like good colors that go together like the blue and the orange just look good. 

kin-dove like i said above i like our work because of the color scheme and the futuristic apeal and i think that we can do some really cool ideas in animation and in film because of how our work looks. And I like our work because we made it as a team and it is cool to think that four people made this piece of art. 

our only downfall is that mason does not really want to help me Noell, and Kevin. because most of the time mason is playing on his phone or with other groups and not helping us with our work. I find this disappointing for the group because all three of us are working hard but mason is not. I also don really know why we didn't tell him to pitch in and help, we will have to do this in animation.

maybe an idea for improving would be on the company logo because it looks like it could be from the past and not the future.  

Monday, April 3, 2017

group project blog


from the beginning of quarter 2 i was put with a good group because we know how to get things done on time and cooperate with the other team members. so it has been a good experience with my team. 

I don't really know what "my role" is but i do know that i do not talk much and that is really bad for me but i am really creative and have allot of different ideas on how to do things. Fore example when we where trying to make product ideas, i shout that we could divide the paper into four different sections and labels them kids,students,adults, and elder so that we could have a good target audience range.

our team name is FLYLO and we decided to choose this because team juicy juice did not sound like a good company name. The main reason that we chose flylo was because it sounds cool, and all of the team agreed with that so we chose fly as our team. 

our product is a teleporting backpack that you can use either with voice activation or use a lightning cable to your phone. our teams product is useful for anybody of the age, because who doesn't want to teleport around town and be home in seconds. make life essayer, what would you risk getting in a car crash when you don even have to use your car.

as our group decided we thought that we would have a target audience of students. we decided to do students becaus we are going throught high highschool and it s hard to get from my house to school. so we made the telapack for people that have the same problems.

our slogan was why wait we chose thins because the telapck transports us from point A to point B in a flash so we thought that the slogan fit our needs

our product logo is a T and a P for teleporting backpack and the T has a arrow pointing out of the top of it to symbolize telaportation 

Friday, March 10, 2017

CSS and CARP design

CSS and CARP design 

in our class we made a website using adobe dreamweaver, to make the website you have to have the css files to import to dreamweaver once you do that you can start to work on your main project and thats the fun part. the m main differences of the ending HTML files is that one of the looks more of a professional look and that is the main idea behind carp. at the beginning html their is nothing done to the file that makes it look good, a example is there is no contrast or good grouping. so this was our job to add the principles of CARP into the html file.


the "c" in carp stands for contrast. and in the original html file there is no contrast, if you look at the original you would think that this is lame and would not get your attention and keep you reading. but in he new html file we took colors from the dog and used those colors that would grab your attention and keep you reading.


the "a" in carp stands for alignment. alignment in the original is all to the left and it looks really really lame. if you where to read it, your eyes would begin to loose focus and go off track. but when we used in the new html file we made the letters line up in a way that did not look lame it looked cool. 


the "r" in carp stands for repetition, this is important so that the reader gets the main idea and knows what the article or documents main idea is. in the original you  can clearly see that there is a dog but that is not the main idea the main idea is the poem. in the new html you can clearly see the poem and know that is the main goal 


the p is for proximidy and that is important so that the words are not all mixed together and have some spacing to look good.

Monday, March 6, 2017

House Animation

House Animation 


in our class we chose a house from a website and than re created the house we chose in sketchup. we also are learning how to use the many different tools inside of sketchup. It was a really cool experience using sketchup and turning the house that i made into a animation. we also imported some special things that we do not know how to make like the flowers and car in my model.

what I learned 

what i learned is while using sketchup you have to pace yourself otherwise you are going to have a hard time trying  to make the house look good. I also learned that there are some things that are really hard to make. like the sphere witch was a really weird thing to make.


I thought that this was a really cool and fun to do project and i liked making the house. it was cool learning how to make all the different shaped. what i thought was the coolest is how you first start of with just gray bricks that at the end trn into a big, good looking house.

Monday, February 13, 2017

my personality type

my type 

I am a ENTJ using the myers-briggs personality type I found that i am a ENTJ. so according to the test i am 12% extravert, 22% intuitive,  38% thinking, and 12% judging witch makes me a ENTJ. in my own words a ENTJ will analyze somethings and will use their knowledge of that object. for a example today in class we saw a picture of a apple and listed things about it, the ENTJ's said thinks like tasty, seeds, fruity, and healthy. all of these things are what the picture do not tell  the viewer.

how well does this describe me 

i think that a ENTJ on describes 1/2 of me. some things that are correct about me are see logical policies, usually well informed, and enjoy long term planing. all of these things are spot on for me. the other stuff that does not describe me is assume leadership quickly,well read,force full in presenting ideas. this short list does not describe me. i am usually the last to take action and leadership. this actually does help to figure out who i am because sometimes kids in my second hour class will come up with way different ideas and problems that i never would have thought.

 the role of an ENTJ

so a role of a ENTJ would be like to sell to a audience and to clarify ideas. a example would be during  the  apple lab the ENTJ would say something like a good type of candle would smell good in your home. So a ENTJ would be a good helper to sell things.people could have misunderstood me because i do not really like to talk I like to be more to myself witch explains a ENTJ so people might not understand or think like me.

what i have learned 

i have learned on what type of person that i am like the ENTJ and how these people operate. i did not en know what this type of test is to find out what type of personality i have so I thought that it was cool that  a ENTJ explains who i am. some other things that i have learned is there are famous people that have the same personality like me for example adel, woodrow wilson, and bill gates and others have the same personality like me.

personality activity 

in our class we did a personality activity that would pair us with 4 different animals that have the same personality as me. the 4 different animals are a lion, otter, golden retriever, and a beaver. the lion is someone who would take leadership in a project, the otter is someone that is very social, the golden retriever is good at making friends, and the beaver is organized. i cdid the test and was most like the lion and the otter witch is some what correct about me. like taking charge and making decisions. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

10 words animation

10 words animation

what was the processes 

we made a animation of 10 words that would best describe me. so some examples of words would be like hard worker, outgoing, and social. so after I found 10 words that would describe me we had to find a background image that would be related to you. as you can see i chose the moon because i like outer space and mysterious things like the moon. after the steps listed we had to color the words we chose using colors from the background. then came the animation part we animated the words to do special things like flips and fading in and out. 

what did i learn 

I learned how to select a color from the background, this was cool because now the words look like they could blend in from the background. I also learned how to use the video editor, to make video animations. i also learned that it is allot harder to make animated movies than it looks because i had troubles animating 10 words moving across a screen, I also learned that animation is really hard sometimes, like the bouncing ball was more easy for me than this animation.

takeaways for next time 

the first two or three days of this animation project i was sick, so next time i should learn not to get sick. so because i was out two to three days next time we do this type of animation i will make the it go allot slower, this animation goes by really fast and i realized this when i put the animation on youtube. I did not know that we had to make the animation longer than the given area in photoshop. I also will maybe look longer for a better background wth maybe a little more color, I felt like this image of moon only had like three really different colors.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

bouncing ball #2

summarize the project 

                    our project was to make a new bouncing ball project. In our class we have already made a bouncing ball, but that was not as realistic as a real ball bouncing from point A to point B. So we first made some arcs that helped us see where the ball would bounce. then after that we gave the ball a face so that we could see how much of a squash and strech the ball would have. then we had to do the transformations on the ball and have a over exageration on the ball. 

what did you learn that is new 

                     i learned that disney had a really hard time having to make all of those slides by hand. we used the fade in and fade out in some of our slides but walt disney crew had to draw all of this by hand. I also learned that you have to really go slow at the top to make a good effect on the ball. also learned that in animation allot of what they use is all forms of arcs from that video we watched.

what did you think about how it went 

                      I thought that the entire project went good there where sometimes that i would get the slides mixed up. then i would have to fix them and it took a while to get the correct slide in the correct spot. the only real problem that i had is that i put my entire project into a art board and then it would not save for web because the file was to big. other than these things i think that bouncing ball #2 was a really fun and i want to move to the next project.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Bouncing ball Animation

the big steps
       the big or main steps into the bouncing ball animation are making the ball,background, and making it look 3 demential. and the animating part these are the main big things to creating a animating ball. T hardest thing that i thought was the gradient tool. It seemed hard to change the gradients to the correct light fixtures and make it look good. the last main big step would be the moving the ball, as in making the balls quash and stretch and make it look like a ruer ball bouncing up and down 
something new 

something that i learned that is new is the gradient tool in graphic design I never use the gradient tool, that might be why it was so hard for mr to get the correct coloring and i could not add in anything like clouds or a sunset. And the other new thing I learned was the time line I thought that the timeline was really cool and easy to learn. Also new is the GIF and how to pronounce GIF I thought that that was neat.
how did it go 

I think that the gradient tool is the hardest and I don't really know why it was so hard for me to do it just was. the other thing that I thought would be really hard is having to make allot of different frames but really it was 1/2 way of duplications, I thought that the duplications are really cool that it made the work time cut in half. Other than all of the other things listed I think that animation is a fun class and i want to see the next project and have new things to learn.